vse Human Rig

Versatile, Consistent Character Rig

contact@vectorspaceentertainment.com for all requests 

Current Version: h301 
(human rig v301)

Mocap-friendly, Engine-ready standardized human rig to ensure stabiltiy and consistency to your previs or animation projects.
Standardized controls and bind skeletion ensures that animation can be copied and applied from one rig to another both in Maya and in Game engines.

Works with Studio Library and vseTools' Animation Tools to apply, mirror and copy animation and poses with ease.

Demo Video

  • Consistent rig and consisntent bind skeleton to ensure easy application of animation in Maya, Motionbuilder or Unreal Engine.
  • Smooth fkik blending
  • Space Switching for hands and feet
  • Stretchy limbs
  • Sub controls for hands and feet for extra offsets and working with constraints
  • Full Mocap skeleton compatible with most motion capture software
  • Rig is additive to mocap skeleton, so you can animate on top of mocap driven animation
  • Full Mocap skeleton compatible with most motion capture software
    Rig is additive to mocap skeleton, so you can animate on top of mocap driven animation


Rig Animation Tools (included with animTools on its own UI tab):

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